What is mobile sales enablement?

The rapid adoption of mobile devices like tablets and smart phones by leading companies means that enterprises are innovating with the capabilities of these devices in order to improve their processes. Research from Forrester once estimated that businesses will invest over $26 billion on mobile app development and digital process reinvention.

One of the areas where tablet and smart phones usage is increasing is in sales and marketing. Since most sales teams had to work remotely in the wake of the pandemic, there has been a growing demand for mobile sales enablement in recent times.

Top sales performers have realized that mobile technology has grown exponentially and as a result, they are using mobile apps to increase productivity and performance. By doing so, they spend more time interacting with their customers and optimize their chances of closing deals. Instead of relying purely on company-based strategies and marketing teams to produce leads, sales representatives are now able to take a proactive approach to make the process more efficient. Mobile sales enablement is a great way for sales representatives to stay relevant by engaging with prospects regardless of where they are and what kind of data they have.

Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of using mobile sales enablement tools.

1. Can Be Used Anytime Anywhere
When you use mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, you become untethered from a stationary desk. As long as your devices are charged and up-to-date, your sales function continues to thrive from any location or time zone. Several mobile sales apps come with offline capabilities and cloud storage options that empower salespeople to work well even with an unstable internet connection. Since the necessary information is always available with these apps, the entire sales process becomes an organised, intuitive and compact version of a traditional paper catalogue.

2. Increases Productivity And Efficiency
Selling products can be a demanding task. After all, you need to make as many sales as possible to keep your business going strong. By introducing mobile devices and apps into the picture, you open up potential doors for both your team members and your clients by ushering in a new way of doing sales in the mobile era. Both current and prospective clients can see more information at the touch of a button with mobile sales enablement. This directly translates to more sales as customers are easily aware of what you have on offer.

3. Provides Access To Valuable Information About Clients
Being able to always provide up-to-date information, even on short notice, is always appreciated in professional circles. The right product or client information reduces the amount of errors that could possibly occur and helps sales teams to focus more on the customer’s needs.
Besides, a mobile app for sales helps gather data, which can in turn help you gain insights into the most popular products, best times for sales, and so on. Having up-to-date insights about your customers’ decision-making habits helps increase efficiency and strengthens customer’s trust.

4. Helps Coach Team Members
Mobile sales tools provide streamlined, mobile-optimized access to prospect information. This ensures that salespeople have the information they need as they drive around town to meet customers. In addition, mobile sales tools provide enhanced performance reporting that gives managers deeper insight into actual results versus stakeholder perceptions, and helps them provide quicker coaching when needed.

5. Access Data On The Go
Mobile CRM apps give salespeople the ability to tweak presentations on the fly so they can provide a more customized experience for their prospects. It also makes sharing files between team members fast and easy with a simple tap or swipe of a screen. As content marketing becomes central to the customer experience, representatives that have access to content assets like white papers, e-books, and guides when their prospects need them will be able to position themselves better with clients.

With mobile-enabled sales tools, salespeople can gather data and deploy them on the go, as and when necessary, and thereby maximize the sales potential of the team. SARA AI, for example, can help you drive your sales numbers like never before by predicting significant measurable results based on previous interactions, people involved, the current stage of opportunity and other factors. Contact us to better understand how SARA can boost your sales.
